Whether you are an accountant, a payroll bureau or a bookkeeper, if you deal with payroll, you are going to be effected by workplace pension legislation.
Workplace pensions are the employers responsibility BUT they are inexorably linked to payroll because pay drives contributions and the assessment process.
Many payroll professionals will be comfortable with setting up payroll to calculate pension contributions but less so with employee communications, assessment and pension provider advice.
The potential pitfalls start well before this, because it is possible that 50 payroll clients, left to their own devices could set up 50 different solutions and this will be virtually unmanageable.
It is vitally important that as a payroll professional you develop a range of solutions that you are able and willing to support, these should take into account the capabilities of your payroll software and any upgrades that may be required.
At TPA we are working closely with payroll professionals to build a bespoke range of workplace pension solutions to integrate with payroll. We are able to deliver these with our TPAimplement service, charge the work directly to the client and offer discounts to them for early engagement.
Wed Nov 18 06:28
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